Sunday, September 9, 2012

Our Little Dancing Queen

There's no doubt about it, Bereket has moves and when she feels the beat, boy can she groove! We've known our child loves music since our very first days in Ethiopia with her. During those beautiful afternoons in Addis, we would put Bereket  in our little carrier and walk to the pizza place near our guest house. She would snuggle up to us for an hour or more and bop her little head to the Ethiopia music videos always playing on the televisions in the adjoining pub.  She was so happy, and Jason and I (and all the staff at Metro Pizza!) loved to watch her enjoying the music so much.
Loving the beat at Metro Pizza in Addis Ababa, October 5, 2011
As Bereket settled into her new Minnesota life (and discovered Angelina Ballerina!) she began to dance more and more around the house and Jason and I began to look for a dance class to enroll her in.  Saturday, we began our new weekend routine: Tippi Toes! Yes, as a family we are taking Mommy, Daddy and Me class! (Jason sees his role as more of the official dance photographer than actual dance participant!).

After we dressed Bereket in the beautiful pink leotard and slippers Grandma LuAnn bought her (Bereket had been begging for weeks to wear them!), she excitedly got in the car for her first class! Just look at that smile!

And away we go!

But as soon as we arrived at the dance studio, that enthusiastic smile suddenly turned into a look of terror! I began to worry a bit as she spent the first 25 minutes of  class crying and trying to hide her head in my shoulder.
Is this the face of a happy dancer?!

I hadn't seen such a face since Little B's first encounter with Santa Claus!

Yes, this is pretty much how the first half of dance class went!
Fortunately, my dear high school friend Tara is the owner of Tippi Toes and her sweet daughter Elianna came to hold Bereket's hand half way through class. It made ALL the difference and soon Bereket was feeling the beat!

Sweet encouragement from new friends!

We're rockin now!

A song about sleeping!


Daddy was so proud of his dancer!
Bereket was one of the very last children to leave the floor after class. She  just  wanted to keep dancing and dancing! I can't wait to see more smiles next weekend!

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